By no means am I trying to attack Ye, I think he's certainly an artistic and outspoken human. I don't agree with everything he says and personally wish he'd exercise more discretion before spewing his thoughts out on the public. He almost carelessly says whatever comes to mind, rather than pause and think before making statements. I'd say this is evident when he answers questions sometimes, like when DJ EFN asked him "how" he would solve world issues and eliminate the likelihood of a third world war.
Now granted they were drinking and smoking, but certainly not to the point that they were belligerent or unintelligible. Although to the latter... I found Ye a few screws short of speaking in tongues. I didn't think he made a lot of sense at times, to which I think will play against him should he actually run for president. His dad is right and he needs to articulate himself better. I'm sure with practice and such he will, but America would be foolish to elect another Trump. Just my opinion. America would be much better off with another Clinton or Obama.
Love him or like him, Ye certainly has attained a solid fanbase making him one of the most streamed artists out in 2022. I still think his first album, "College Dropout", was his best but I'm a hip-hop head from the old school and prefer boom bap.